Denim PV cancels Berlin event
作者:管理员    发布于:2020-10-27 14:59:23    文字:【】【】【
The international denim-focused trade show Denim Première Vision, due to happen in Berlin on November 24-25, 2020, is canceled.

“The show will not take place as there are not the conditions to gather together. Despite the fact that we worked very hard to make it happen, the present international situation is complicated and we have to bow to this. Albeit reluctantly, we have to cancel this edition and concentrate on the upcoming 2021 editions,” comments Guglielmo Olearo, director, Denim Première Vision & Première Vision international exhibitions.
The next editions of the show will take place in Milan on 25-26 May and in Berlin on 16-17 November.

Guglielmo Olearo, director, Denim Première Vision
Photo: Denim PV
Guglielmo Olearo, director, Denim Première Vision
“We are now working alo on organizing a Digital Denim Week that will happen on-line from November, 30 to December, 4. It will be a 100% digital happening presenting a series of seminars, round tables and other events meant to capitalize the possibilities of Première Vision Market Place launched in September 2020 when Première Vision's physical edition was canceled,” adds Olearo. “While it will keep Denim PV’s DNA intact and remain as a B2B platform, it will also offer the possibility to attend talks and seminars, exchange opinions, communicate and keep in touch.”

The Première Vision Marketplace platform had already started hosting PV denim weavers and exhibitors in September, though within this new Dıgital Denim Week, all other exhibitors participating the show–including accessory manufacturers, garment makers and service providers–shall also profit from the new platform.

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